Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adventurous willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring.
avoidance the act of keeping away from or keeping from happening.
conservative wanting things to stay as they are; not favoring change.
dwindle to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; shrink.
executive a person who has a managing or directing role in a business or government.
exempt to free from something that others are always required to do; excuse.
legendary having to do with or like a legend.
momentary lasting only an instant.
omission the act of leaving out or the condition of being left out.
pavilion a light building with open sides used for shelter or recreation.
plead to ask for something in a sincere or serious way.
redirect to guide to a different destination or by a different route.
rustic living or happening in the country.
tabulate to arrange or organize systematically, especially in the form of a table.
thereafter following that; from then on.