Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allay to quiet or lay to rest (fears, doubts, and the like).
commodity something that can be bought and sold.
eulogize to speak or write high praise of, or make a formal tribute to (usually a dead person).
gist the essential part or idea, as of an argument or written work.
gradation a gradual almost imperceptible change, especially from one tone or texture to another.
humility the quality or state of being humble; modesty about one's status or accomplishments.
inviolable absolutely not to be breached, dishonored or profaned.
limpid perfectly clear; transparent.
litigious inclined to bring lawsuits.
pallor unnatural lack of color, especially of the face.
proletarian of, pertaining or belong to, or characteristic of the working class, especially laborers who lack capital.
rancor bitter, continuing resentment; hatred.
sardonic bitterly mocking; derisive; scornful.
stymie throw an obstacle in the way of (something or someone); impede; thwart.
vaporize to cause to become or diffuse as a vapor or gas; atomize; evaporate.