Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bunch a group of things of the same kind that are attached to each other.
defend to protect from harm; guard.
follow to come or go after or behind.
fry to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat.
full holding as much as possible.
hoe a tool with a thin, flat blade at the end of a long handle. It is used for breaking up the soil.
hunt to search for and try to kill (animals) for food or sport.
ribbon a narrow strip or band of material used as decoration for hair, gifts, or the like.
shack a small, cheaply constructed building, used as a house or for storage.
smooth not rough; even.
snoop to look into others' affairs or possessions in a secret way.
sweep to clear the floor of dirt or dust.
tired needing sleep or rest.
tomorrow the day after today.
window an opening in a wall or vehicle that lets in air and light. The opening is usually covered by clear glass.