Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrator a person who manages, especially in business or public affairs.
alliance a group of people, countries, or groups that share certain goals and agree to work together.
concentration close attention; focused mental energy.
constitutional having to do with a constitution.
counterpart someone or something that is just like or similar to another.
dauntless incapable of being discouraged or frightened off; fearless.
diversify to give or introduce variety to or into.
humanitarian characterized by concern for improving the welfare of people.
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve.
obstinate not willing to change one's ideas; stubborn.
parch to make very dry by heating.
retain to hold or keep.
ritual a set of actions always done in the same way, often because of custom or tradition.
smirk to smile in a self-satisfied, offensively knowing, or self-conscious way.
tremor a shaking or trembling.