Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achieve to do or carry out successfully; accomplish.
congratulate to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
culprit a person who is charged with or is guilty of doing something wrong.
discover to find or see before anyone else.
downward toward a lower place or condition.
elderly old or aging.
encyclopedia a book or set of books that has information on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of one subject.
pluck to grab with the fingers and pull off; pick.
shrivel to cause to wrinkle or become smaller.
soot a fine, black powder made during burning. Soot collects in chimneys or is carried into the air in smoke.
species a group of living things that naturally produce young with other members of the same group but not with those of other groups.
stale having lost its taste or moisture; not fresh.
stalk1 a plant's main stem.
strongly with great certainty or passion.
totter to sway or rock as if about to fall.