Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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chagrin embarrassment or humiliation arising from disappointment or failure.
condescend to act as if one were of superior rank or station, treating others as inferior; patronize.
imperceptible so gradual or subtle as to be unnoticed or unnoticeable.
impregnable1 able to withstand any attack, as a fortress.
incandescent giving off light as a result of being heated.
ineffectual incapable of acting effectively.
inexcusable unable to be justified; unpardonable.
libel in law, written or printed matter that is false, damages a person's reputation or material well-being, and arises from malice or extreme negligence.
lobbyist one who attempts, on behalf of a special interest group, to influence the way legislators vote.
meticulous very careful or precise.
offhand done without thinking or preparing ahead of time.
pertain to relate to or have to do with something.
piquant of food, having a deliciously sharp or spicy taste.
pompous showing an exaggerated sense of own's own importance.
vie to compete with another for victory, superiority, or the like (usually followed by "for").