Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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avalanche the sudden rush of a large amount of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain.
climax the most exciting or interesting point in a series of events.
collage a type of art work in which different kinds of materials are pasted onto a surface to make a picture. These materials can be anything from paper and photographs, to cloth and buttons.
denomination a religious group or division.
deprecate to disparage or treat as having small value; depreciate.
dwindle to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; shrink.
handicraft skill at making things by hand.
hostility the state of being unfriendly or full of hate.
insurgent one who uses armed force to rebel against one's own government.
isolation the act of setting apart, or the state of being set apart from other things or people.
literate able to read and write.
profile an outline or view of something from the side.
reassure to make less worried; give back confidence to.
saunter to walk at an unhurried, leisurely pace; stroll.
vat a very large barrel, tub, or tank, used for holding liquids.