Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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apparel clothing.
ballad a poem or song that tells a story.
compliance acquiescence or conformity.
console1 to give comfort in time of loss or suffering; make less sad.
construe to comprehend or explain the meaning or intention of; assign a meaning to; interpret.
courteous being polite or showing good manners.
eloquent using words well, in a way that others enjoy hearing or reading.
enumeration the act or process of naming or listing one by one.
exasperate to bother or annoy to the point of causing anger.
grovel to be or move about in a bowed or prostrate position, as with fear or humility; cower; cringe.
hobo a poor and homeless wanderer who usually does odd jobs for a living but may also beg or scavenge.
refund to return or pay back.
sequence a pattern or process in which one thing follows another.
vacancy unfilled space, place, or position.
withdraw to take out or away; remove.