Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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burden something that is carried or difficult to bear.
commotion a noisy confusion; disorder.
election the process of choosing a person for office by voting.
grave1 a hole dug in the ground where a dead body is buried.
hurricane a powerful storm with heavy rains and winds that blow in a circle at 73 miles per hour or more.
mystery a matter that is secret or that cannot be known or explained.
ornament something that is added to make something more beautiful to look at; decoration.
physics the science that deals with matter and energy, their qualities, and the relationships between them. It includes the study of light, heat, sound, electricity, and force. (The word is used with a singular verb.)
prophecy a prediction or warning of future events.
scrap1 a small bit, such as a piece left over or thrown away.
smudge a dirty mark or blot; stain.
spouse a husband or wife in a marriage.
sue to start a lawsuit against in a court of law; prosecute.
suite several things that together form a set or series.
wed to take as husband or wife in a legal ceremony; marry.