Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absent not present; away from where one usually is.
astonishment great surprise or amazement.
bawl to cry loudly or strongly; wail.
flavor the particular way something tastes.
kindle to build or start (a fire).
nuclear of, or having to do with, or being the nucleus of an atom or a cell.
organic produced or producing naturally, without using pesticides or other added chemicals.
original first; earliest.
photographer a person whose job is to take photographs.
prison a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law.
relative a person who belongs to the same family as someone else.
secretary a person who writes letters, keeps records straight, and manages mail. A secretary might work for another person or for a business.
select preferred over others.
squirm to twist the body about; wriggle.
unfortunate having bad luck; unlucky.