Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abnegation the act of relinquishing or abandoning, as a right, role, or good.
conspirator a person who is involved in a plot with others to perform or a criminal or wrongful act.
contortion a straining or twisting by the intellect; mental gymnastics.
credible believable or plausible.
ecclesiastical of or related to the church and clergy.
elaboration the act or an instance of adding explanatory material or detail, or the material or detail so added.
fester to become filled with pus; become infected.
jurisdiction the right or authority to interpret and administer the law.
juxtaposition the state of being placed side by side, especially for the purposes of comparison and contrast.
monumental massive, imposing, or extremely conspicuous.
ostracism an exclusion or rejection, as from a social group.
resuscitate to bring back to life or consciousness; revive.
sequel what follows afterwards, such as the next event in a series, especially as it arises from previous events.
usurp to take and hold (a right, position, office, or the like) illegally, wrongfully, or by force.
vacuous characterized by lack of intelligence or serious intent; devoid of ideas or emotion.