Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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casualty a person in the armed forces who is killed, wounded, or missing in action.
composure calmness in thinking or acting; self-control.
demographic of or relating to the study of human populations, involving statistical analysis of size, distribution, density, migration, fertility, and the like.
emblem an object that stands for something; symbol.
liable held responsible by law.
maintenance the act of taking care of or keeping in good condition.
morality general beliefs concerning what is right or wrong.
mortality the quality or state of being destined to die.
muster to cause to come together; assemble.
perish to die or be destroyed by violence or in some other way that is not natural.
preventive made to get in the way of or to block something.
province one of the divisions of some countries, each with its own government.
pulverize to make into powder, as by crushing, grinding, or pounding.
retail having to do with the selling of goods directly to those who will use them.
significance great value; importance.