Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ashore to or onto the shore.
chuckle to laugh softly or in a quiet manner.
chunk a thick lump or piece of any material.
documentary a film that explores real facts and events and often includes photographs or short videos of the events as they happened.
dramatic of or having to do with the theater and plays.
flinch to draw away suddenly in pain or fear.
portion a part of a whole.
receipt the act or fact of receiving.
reign rule by a king or queen.
safari an expedition for watching or hunting large animals.
shaggy having long, rough hair or something like hair.
similar having resemblance or likeness.
squish to make a splashing or spluttering sound when squeezed or walked on, as mud.
submerge to put underwater or in some other liquid.
worry to feel anxious, troubled, or uneasy.