Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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culinary of, concerning, or used for cooking.
defray to pay or assist in the payment of (costs or the like).
derange to cause to be mentally ill.
frugal small in amount or cost; meager.
impregnable1 able to withstand any attack, as a fortress.
invertebrate without a backbone
matriculate to enroll or be enrolled in an organization, especially a college or university.
permeate to pass or diffuse through; penetrate.
posit to propose or suggest as an account of something or as a contribution to an understanding of something.
ruse a trick, pretense, or diversion intended to deceive or mislead.
stodgy lacking the ability or inclination to act informally or to find humor or enjoyment in things that others might; stuffy; prim.
tentative not yet fully developed or definitely decided; provisional.
unnoticed not seen, perceived, or discovered.
untested not having been tried or used in a way that would prove or disprove effectiveness or validity.
veer to change direction; turn quickly.