Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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alike in the same way.
beg to ask a favor of; to plead for.
clothing things that you wear to cover the body; clothes.
companion one who spends time with another or others.
direction control or guidance.
enough as much or as many as needed or required.
fully in a way that is complete, entire, or thorough; totally.
halt to stop or pause.
peanut a seed that people eat like a nut but grows under the ground and is in the same family of plants as beans.
pilgrim a person who takes a trip to a holy place for a religious purpose.
razor a tool with a very sharp blade that is used for cutting hair close to the skin.
road a long, hard surface for vehicles and people to travel on.
same exactly alike; not at all different.
snow small, soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky like rain.
surely certainly.