Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absolute precise; exact.
barb a small, sharp point that sticks out in the opposite direction of the main point or hook, as on an arrow, fishhook, or the like.
cove a small bay in a shoreline of a sea, lake, or river.
establish to successfully start or make something that did not exist before.
metropolis a large city.
passage a way through which something can go; corridor; channel.
prescription an order written by a doctor for medicine to treat a patient.
producer a person or company that makes something.
rental something that can be rented.
response a written or spoken answer; reply.
stalk1 a plant's main stem.
thorn a short, stiff point on a plant stem or branch.
totem a living thing, such as an animal or plant, that is taken as the symbol of a family or clan.
trial the act of hearing a case in court to decide whether or not a person has broken a particular law.
twine sturdy string that is made by twisting two or more strands together.