Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ancestor a person from whom one is descended and who lived several generations ago.
cackle sharp, broken laughter.
coupon a small, printed slip of paper that gives someone a discount, admission to a performance, or a chance to win a prize.
drench to soak, or wet completely.
mental of or having to do with the operation of the mind.
morale the state of mind of a person or group; spirit.
pamper to treat or please with too much care or attention; spoil.
perk1 to recover good spirits or energy (usually followed by "up").
pledge a serious promise; vow.
reign rule by a king or queen.
resemble to be similar to or to look like.
scarcely almost not; just barely.
seep to spread or flow through gradually.
stout having physical strength; sturdy; thick.
unity the condition of being united or of acting as one.