Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abstain to choose not to do something.
affluence material wealth.
constrain to keep within tight restrictions; confine.
depict to show, describe, or portray in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
derogatory having the purpose or effect of detracting; disparaging.
dexterity grace and easy quickness in using the hands or body; skill.
equity the quality of being fair and reasonable; fairness.
fidelity loyalty or faithfulness to obligations, promises, or those to whom one has made a commitment.
neurotic suffering from needless fears and worries.
nomenclature a specialized system or set of names and terms used in a particular science, art, or other field of study or training.
pessimism the belief that events will turn out badly; tendency to expect the worst.
privation lack of necessities or common comforts of life.
recumbent lying down; reclining.
repertory a stock of skills, talents, or performing pieces; repertoire.
respective of or belonging to each one.