Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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annually once a year; yearly.
banker1 an owner or high level employee of an institution where money is kept safe, exchanged, or lent.
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
chairman a man who is in charge of a meeting or committee.
conscience the sense that allows a person to decide between right and wrong actions.
curb a raised rim where a street meets the edge of the sidewalk.
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position.
freight goods shipped by boat, plane, train, or truck.
haste speed or hurry.
laboratory a place used for scientific investigation and experiments.
loop the rounded shape made when a piece of string, ribbon, or rope is crossed back over itself or tied so that it forms a circle.
mob a large crowd of angry or excited people.
overflow to swell or spill over the top edge of something.
stubborn not willing to accept change, help, or control; obstinate.
upright in a vertical or standing position.