Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclamation enthusiastic applause; loud expression of approval.
aggrandize to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power, or influence; exalt.
aseptic free of bacteria or germs that cause disease or decay.
charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal.
consolidate to join together into a whole; combine.
humility the quality or state of being humble; modesty about one's status or accomplishments.
irrevocable impossible to take back, undo, or cancel.
lewd characterized by vulgarity or offensively explicit sexual references; bawdy.
menagerie a collection of usually wild or exotic animals, or the place where they are exhibited.
modulate to vary the loudness, pitch, intensity, or tone of; especially soften or tone down.
placate to calm down and make less angry, especially by appeasement; conciliate; pacify.
reverent characterized by, showing, or feeling great respect and awe mingled with love.
scruple a belief about right and wrong that keeps a person from doing something that may be bad.
throe (usually plural) any convulsive or anguished struggle, or great exertion.
uniformity the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness.