Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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collusion action undertaken in secret partnership or collaboration, usually for illicit purposes.
confederation the act or process of confederating or allying.
deride to ridicule or treat with scornful mockery.
devious not the straightest, most direct way; winding; roundabout.
docile obedient and easy to manage.
dogged persistent or stubborn.
dogmatic asserting beliefs and opinions as though they were proven facts.
frolicsome full of high spirits, gaiety, or merriment; playful.
infraction an act or instance of breaking or violating, usually a rule or law; violation or breach.
nonconformity refusal or failure to adjust one's behavior and actions to accord or comply with societal customs, values, or the like.
onslaught a forceful, often sudden, offensive maneuver; attack.
privation lack of necessities or common comforts of life.
rediscover to begin experiencing again; find again; regain.
symposium a conference or meeting on a single topic, usually involving several speakers.
vacuous characterized by lack of intelligence or serious intent; devoid of ideas or emotion.