Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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discernible able to be perceived or distinguished.
dispel to scatter or drive away in all directions.
enfranchise to give the rights of a citizen to, especially the right to vote.
hegemony predominance of one country or social group over others by virtue of leadership or influence.
impassable impossible to go past, through, over, or around.
ingénue an inexperienced or artless girl or the role of a such a girl in a dramatic presentation.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
permissive allowing much, often excessive, freedom of behavior; lenient.
perturb to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry.
posterior located behind or toward the back of something.
propriety proper or appropriate behavior.
shard a piece of a broken object, especially a fragment of pottery or glass.
skepticism distrust or disbelief, or a general tendency to doubt and question.
surreptitious made, performed, or achieved by stealth or in secret.
wholehearted without reservation; sincere and enthusiastic.