Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abdicate to officially give up a position of power or a right.
accrue to grow or accumulate over time, especially as something of benefit.
acrid bitter in taste or smell; sharply irritating.
amalgamation the act, process, or result of combining two or more, often disparate, things.
carnage the mass killing of people; slaughter.
confection a sweetened candy or fruit.
edifice a building, especially a large or impressive structure.
nebulous hazy, confused, or indistinct.
ostentatious done or designed with the intention of impressing others and consequently overly showy or grandiose; pretentious.
outmoded no longer in keeping with current standards or practices; obsolete.
parsimony excessive unwillingness to spend money or use resources; stinginess.
pivotal critically important or crucial; on which something is contingent.
provisional adopted on a temporary or tentative basis until something permanent is established; conditional.
quorum the number of members that an organization's rules require to attend a meeting in order for voting or other business to take place.
unyielding hard; firm; resistant to pressure or force.