Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affluent having a lot of money; rich; wealthy.
comparative measured or estimated by comparison; relative.
culvert a man-made channel for drainage or the like that passes under a street or other thoroughfare.
fervid heated or impassioned; intensely enthusiastic.
infallible incapable of error.
mainstay the main support of something.
ostentatious done or designed with the intention of impressing others and consequently overly showy or grandiose; pretentious.
paltry small, trifling, or worthless.
solstice either of the two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator, occurring in June and December.
subvert to overthrow or destroy, or cause the destruction of (an established authority, especially a national government).
synopsis a short statement giving an overview, the main principles, or the sequence of events of a narrative, argument, article, or the like; summary; abstract.
testy easily annoyed or angered; irritable; touchy.
turgid overwrought in language or style; too solemn or too ornate; inflated; bombastic.
typify to be the representative example of.
vitality exuberance; energy; vigor.