Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allegory in art or literature, the use of concrete characters, events, or things, to represent abstract qualities or ideas, often to make a point about good and evil.
audacity courage or boldness often combined with daring or recklessness.
cite to use the words of someone else; quote.
concealment the act of hiding something from sight, or the condition of being hidden from sight.
denude to strip bare; remove covering from.
gist the essential part or idea, as of an argument or written work.
hallowed considered sacred; venerated.
humility the quality or state of being humble; modesty about one's status or accomplishments.
inane devoid of meaning or substance; nonsensical.
misjudge to hold an unjustified opinion of.
ornamentation decoration; embellishment.
palpitate of the heart, to pulsate rapidly; flutter; quiver.
pellucid extremely clear in meaning.
unregulated not subject to rules or constraints.
vicissitude (usually plural) unexpected and unforeseeable changes or shifts, as in one's circumstances.