Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bombast boastful, pompous, or otherwise overblown utterances.
disenfranchise to deprive (someone) of a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote.
disseminate to spread widely, as though scattering seed.
divest to take rights or property away from; dispossess, especially by legal means.
lechery excessive or vulgar interest in sex; prurience.
particularity precise or detailed character.
pilfer to steal, especially trifling amounts or things of small value.
plebeian in ancient Roman society, of or belonging to the class of commoners; not patrician.
proliferate to spread or increase quickly.
putrid of, concerning, or exhibiting rot or decomposition.
rehabilitate to restore to good health or to an otherwise improved state of being.
scrutinize to look at closely and carefully, with attention to detail.
taint to slightly corrupt or pollute.
unqualified lacking the appropriate knowledge or qualifications.
workaday ordinary; mundane; everyday.