Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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carouse to revel in a boisterous and drunken manner.
compulsion coercion or constraint; act of using force to bring about another's action.
constituent forming a part of something.
exalt to honor or glorify.
expiate to atone or make amends for (a sin, crime, offense, or the like).
ingrate an ungrateful person.
manipulate to handle or operate skillfully with the hands.
monolithic large, unyielding, and without diversity.
polygamy the practice or state of having more than one spouse, especially more than one wife, at a time.
portend to serve as a sign or warning of; bode.
poseur one who adopts an affected attitude or manner in order to impress others.
provocation the act of inciting or challenging another to react.
revitalize to bring new life to.
sunder to tear, force, or break apart; divide.
unintelligible not able to be understood, as spoken or written language.