Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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barb a small, sharp point that sticks out in the opposite direction of the main point or hook, as on an arrow, fishhook, or the like.
creep to move with the body close to the ground; crawl.
dampen to make moist or slightly wet.
exhaust the smoke or gas given off by an engine.
jest a funny saying or action; joke.
lag to fall behind an expected pace.
operation the act or process of working or running.
organization the quality of being carefully arranged or ordered.
polish to give a shiny surface to.
release to set free.
skid a sudden, sideways sliding of a vehicle.
supreme having the highest rank, position, or authority.
throb to beat or pulse quickly and strongly.
undertake to decide or start to do.
willingness the state of being ready or glad to do something without being forced to do it.