Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adage an old familiar saying that shows the wisdom of a group of people; proverb.
bourgeois of, related to, or characteristic of the middle class.
conservatism a general preference for the traditional; disinclination to change.
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
derange to cause to be mentally ill.
digress to stray from the main topic; ramble.
embellishment a beautifying decoration or addition.
fiasco an utter and shameful failure.
laudable worthy of praise.
marauder one who raids or invades in order to plunder.
misinterpret to comprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.
patronize to act in an offensively superior manner toward.
regale to entertain or delight, as with humorous tales.
sequel what follows afterwards, such as the next event in a series, especially as it arises from previous events.
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, especially of disgrace or reproach.