Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cement a powder made of clay and limestone that becomes hard when water is added. Cement is used as a building material.
competitor a person, group, or thing engaged in a contest.
congratulate to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
disappointment the feeling of being unhappy because what was wished or hoped for did not happen.
expert someone who knows a great deal about a particular thing.
index an alphabetical list of subjects, names, or other information in a book, with page numbers given for each item.
language the system of spoken or written words with which people communicate thoughts, ideas, or feelings.
moment a very short amount of time.
passage a way through which something can go; corridor; channel.
possess to own or have.
slant to be at a leaning or tilting angle.
slender slim in an attractive way.
tantrum a violent, noisy outburst of angry temper.
warehouse a large building or other place where products or private goods are stored.