Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bloodshot red and irritated because of enlarged blood vessels.
cheat a person who acts in a dishonest way in order to gain something.
citizenship the state of being a legal member of a country.
drench to soak, or wet completely.
nuclear of, or having to do with, or being the nucleus of an atom or a cell.
proper correct for a certain purpose.
rapid happening in a short or brief time.
react to act, or feel a certain way, in response to something.
siphon a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure.
stagger to walk or stand in an unsteady way or with a need for support.
swerve to change direction suddenly; turn quickly; veer.
teethe to have teeth growing out through the gums.
tissue a group of cells in an animal or plant body that are like each other and do similar things.
unravel to undo; reduce from cloth to threads; cause to come apart.
vary to change; to make different.