Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adolescence the period in a person's life between childhood and adulthood.
anticipate to look forward to; expect.
assembly a group of people gathered together, usually for a specific purpose.
coverage in journalism, the reportage on a particular event or issue, or the amount or type of reportage.
crusade (often capitalized) any of the wars between European Catholics and Middle Eastern Muslims between 1095 and 1291. During these wars, the Catholics tried to take territory away from the Muslims.
evaluate to judge the level or value of.
exotic from a foreign place.
hospitable open and receptive.
instinct natural behavior in an animal that is not taught by parents or experience but is simply part of what an animal is born with.
polarize to cause to concentrate around opposite points.
posture the general position of or manner of holding the body.
romance a love relationship, either in life or in literature or film.
sanctuary a holy or sacred place.
suitable right for the situation or purpose; fitting.
transient brief in duration; temporary.