Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adept having great skill or ability.
censorious highly critical or disapproving.
financier a person skilled in or occupied in financial operations, usually on a large scale.
obscene offensive and not decent.
paraphernalia (used with a singular or plural verb) furnishings or equipment, especially that used in a particular job or activity.
patron a regular customer of a shop, restaurant, or some other business.
pejorative acting or tending to create a negative impression; disparaging; demeaning.
prescriptive that prescribes; setting down rules.
quip a short, humorous, clever, and often sarcastic utterance.
rehabilitate to restore to good health or to an otherwise improved state of being.
reprimand a strong, usually formal statement of disapproval; rebuke.
sobriety abstinence from alcohol; temperance.
stupor a state of unconsciousness, insensibility, or torpor.
subtlety the quality or condition of being difficult to detect or define.
unvaried marked by a lack of diversity; never changing.