Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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argue to give reasons for or against something.
authority the right or power to give orders, make decisions, or control people.
chamber a room.
citizenship the state of being a legal member of a country.
dessert a sweet food served at the end of a meal.
enclosure a space that is surrounded, or something that surrounds.
fringe an edge of hanging threads, yarn, or strips of leather used to decorate clothing or drapes.
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light.
minimum the smallest or least in amount, number, or degree.
network a system that involves a number of persons or groups.
omit to leave out; not include.
stampede the sudden and hurried mass movement of a large group of frightened animals.
triumph the winning of a great victory or success.
vacant without activity or contents; empty.
victim someone who is hurt, injured, or killed by a person, group, or event.