Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abeyance temporary suspension or cessation.
baneful causing or leading to death, destruction, or ruin; harmful or deadly.
canard a deliberately false story or rumor, usually defamatory to someone.
commodious comfortably spacious; roomy.
contumely contemptuous insolence; rudeness.
declivity a downward or descending slope.
disabuse to free (a person) from misconception or deception; set straight.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time.
hirsute covered with hair or stiff hairs; hairy or shaggy.
mésalliance marriage with someone of lower social standing than oneself.
neophyte a beginner or novice at any activity.
occlude to close or obstruct (a passage or opening, one's vision, or the like).
parlance manner of speaking or writing, especially word choice; vernacular.
peroration the concluding part of a speech in which there is a summing up of the principal points.
profligate totally given over to immoral and shameful pursuits; dissolute.