Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allure to attract strongly by appealing to people's inner wishes; tempt.
colloquial characteristic of or suited to informal or familiar conversation or to writing that is imitative of conversational tone.
diaphanous of fabric or the like, almost transparent; sheer; filmy; delicate.
entourage a group of people who accompany another person as attendants or associates; retinue.
foreshadow to signal or indicate beforehand; presage; prefigure.
intrinsic being essential to or of the nature of a thing; inherent.
inveterate persisting in a habit, action, feeling, or the like.
maladjustment an inability to bring one's own needs into harmony with the demands of the external environment.
naturalistic exhibiting or pertaining to naturalism.
philosophy the study of the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters,
plight1 a state or situation, especially an unhappy or unlucky one; predicament.
receptive open and willing to accommodate new thoughts and ideas.
retraction a withdrawal or disavowal of an opinion, promise, or the like.
stasis the state of equilibrium or balance between opposing forces; motionlessness.
submissive inclined or obliged to submit; unresisting; obedient; docile.