Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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ardor very strong feelings; passion; fervor.
degeneration the process of decline or decay.
disarray confusion or disorder.
exigency a condition of urgency.
exigent requiring immediate attention; urgent or critical.
grandiloquent speaking or expressed in a pretentious, pompous, or excessively ornate fashion.
hew to follow or obey strictly.
infectious able to be given to others by infection.
infidel one who does not believe in or accept a religious faith, especially that of Christianity or Islam.
multifaceted having several aspects or stages; complex or various.
populous having a large population.
reverential characterized by a great respect and awe, mingled with love.
stringent rigorous or exacting; strict.
tertiary third in order, rank, importance, degree, or the like.
voluminous having or characterized by great size or quantity.