Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abhorrence a feeling of complete loathing, repulsion, or horror.
belligerent having a fighting character; aggressive.
bifurcation the act or result of dividing into two branches, or the state of being so divided.
credential something that entitles one to confidence, credit, privilege, or authority.
debase to reduce in value, quality, esteem, or character.
decrepit in poor condition because of old age or much use; dilapidated; worn-out.
depose to deprive of rank or office, especially from an important position such as that of king.
disuse the state or condition of not being used or practiced any longer.
insolence rude or impudent behavior or speech.
lucid easy to understand; articulate; clear.
manifesto a public statement of principles and intentions, usually by an organized political group or person.
piteous worthy of or inspiring great sympathy.
preempt to seize or appropriate ahead of others.
primacy the state of being first, earliest, most essential, or most important.
zealous characterized by, showing, or filled with an intense enthusiasm, as toward a cause, purpose, or activity.