Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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actual truly existing, or being something that is real or true.
adjacent near or next to.
attribute to view as the result of.
bureau a chest of drawers.
candid without deception or concealment; honest; forthright.
clarify to make easier to understand; make clear.
commendable worthy of notice and praise.
conformity accordance or compliance with a standard or norm.
despondent low in spirits; unhappy, depressed, or dejected.
interpersonal of or pertaining to a relationship or interaction between people.
nonetheless despite the foregoing; still; even so.
perfection the state or condition of being without a fault or mistake.
pious showing love for a god or gods in thought and action; religious.
revisit to visit or go to again, especially with the intent to examine something or to relive an important experience.
utilize to put to a particular use; use.