Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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actor a person who performs in a play, a movie, or a radio or television program.
brilliant very shiny.
carpet a covering for floors made of heavy cloth or a similar material.
deep having a lot of space below or behind a certain point; reaching far down or back.
fight a battle or argument.
liberty freedom from being confined or controlled.
murder the crime of killing a person.
owner a person who owns something.
pride a sense of personal value that comes from what one has or can do.
punish to cause someone to experience a thing that is painful or not pleasant because he or she did something wrong.
reader a person who looks at and understands words on a page or screen.
shove to push in a rough way or without care.
squad a small number of persons trained to work together.
sunset the moment each day when the sun goes below the western horizon.
thief a person who steals.