Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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congenital existing from birth, but usually not hereditary.
customary usual, habitual, or traditional.
democrat a member of the Democratic Party of the United States.
depress to cause to be unhappy or in low spirits.
fluent able to speak or write easily and naturally.
hue a particular color, such as sky blue; shade.
inflict to deal out or strike in a physical attack.
institution an organization set up for a specific purpose, such as hospitals, churches, prisons, charities, and schools.
interpersonal of or pertaining to a relationship or interaction between people.
narrator a person or character who tells a story.
pavilion a light building with open sides used for shelter or recreation.
preen to dress and groom oneself with great care and satisfaction; primp.
respiration the act of breathing.
untreated receiving no medical care or remedy.
vacate to make vacant or unoccupied by leaving.