Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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cease to stop or come to an end.
departure the act or an occasion of leaving or going away.
element a part of any whole.
inflammatory tending to arouse and excite the emotions, or call forth an emotional response.
maturity the state of being fully grown or developed.
mode a way of doing something.
onset the early stage; beginning.
optimism the belief that things will turn out well or that there is always hope for something good to happen.
prolific producing young or new growth in abundance; fertile.
refined displaying qualities of good breeding or sensitivity of feeling or taste.
replica a duplication or copy, especially one smaller than the original.
sophistication the quality or condition of having worldly knowledge, elegant refinement, or technological complexity.
startling causing one to move suddenly or involuntarily because loud, sudden, or unexpected.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.
utilize to put to a particular use; use.