Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adjust to bring to a better state or position; make fit.
closely carefully and with attention.
crook something bent, curved, or hooked.
dash to move swiftly; run rapidly; rush.
definite clear or exact.
electrical having to do with electricity; electric.
employer a person or business that pays others to work.
grant that which is given, often by a ruler, a government, or other institution, for a purpose considered to be of high value.
lecture a talk given in front of an audience.
organization the quality of being carefully arranged or ordered.
showy bright, colorful, or splendid in appearance.
skit a short, usually funny play.
slither to move by twisting and sliding along a surface.
tunnel an underground or underwater passage created so that people or vehicles can go through it.
understand to get the meaning, nature, or importance of.