Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accost to confront and speak first to, often aggressively.
callous not having kindness; not sensitive; having a hard heart.
creditor someone to whom money is owed.
disincline to cause to be unwilling or reluctant.
dogged persistent or stubborn.
exemplify to serve as an illustration of.
figment something imaginary or invented.
forthcoming about to appear or happen.
grandiloquent speaking or expressed in a pretentious, pompous, or excessively ornate fashion.
inclement of weather, violent or disagreeable.
lethargy a state of having very low energy with drowsiness and apathy; lassitude.
malign to speak badly of or tell harmful lies about.
nondescript having no individual distinctiveness; lacking in notable features.
reticence the state or quality of being hesitant to speak out; reserve.
retrospect reflection on the past or on past events or achievements.