Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bivouac a temporary encampment, especially military, without protecting shelter.
crossfire a volley of projectiles, especially gunfire, directed at some central point from two separated positions.
elaboration the act or an instance of adding explanatory material or detail, or the material or detail so added.
gratis without charging money; freely.
guise external appearance or semblance, especially if deceptive.
inexhaustible unable to be used up; endless.
malleable capable of being shaped, as by hammering or rolling.
monotony tiresome lack of variation.
predecessor a person who holds a position or job before another person.
quizzical expressing doubt, confusion, or questioning; puzzled.
reminiscent having qualities or characteristics that remind one of someone or something (usually followed by "of").
repugnant extremely distasteful to one's senses or principles; disgusting.
respite a period of rest, especially from something difficult or unpleasant.
traduce to make malicious or false statements about; slander.
transitory lasting for only a short time; brief.