Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptive capable of changing in response to changes in environment.
adventurous willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring.
demographic of or relating to the study of human populations, involving statistical analysis of size, distribution, density, migration, fertility, and the like.
expedite to send off, facilitate the progress of, or accomplish with speed and efficiency.
grimy covered or filled with dirt or soil; extremely dirty.
implementation the act, process, or way of carrying something out or putting something into effect.
injunction a command or order, especially from a court, to do or refrain from doing something; authorization or prohibition.
innovative new and inventive.
misunderstand to fail to understand correctly; give the wrong meaning to.
orient to find the position of with respect to the points of the compass.
outrageous extremely wrong or harmful.
prompt to cause to act.
quarantine the keeping of a person, animal, or thing away from others to stop a disease from spreading.
refund to return or pay back.
tarnish to dull the luster or color of.