Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allure to attract strongly by appealing to people's inner wishes; tempt.
attrition a gradual erosion of strength or morale.
communal of or belong to members of a group; public; collective.
devoid not having something; totally lacking.
effervescence high spirits; excitement; liveliness.
ensue to occur as the result of an earlier event.
invective strongly abusive or denunciatory speech or language.
magnitude size or extent.
materialism great or excessive concern with the acquisition of wealth or possessions, especially as opposed to the attainment of spiritual goals.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
stigmatize to label or brand as disgraceful or shameful.
surmount to get over or past; overcome; conquer.
underrate to value or appreciate insufficiently; underestimate.
unseemly not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous.
vie to compete with another for victory, superiority, or the like (usually followed by "for").