Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acquaintance a person one has met but does not know well.
citadel a fortress built on a high place in or near a city.
congestion the condition of being excessively full, especially the condition of a road or highway being overly filled with traveling vehicles or pedestrians.
dainty small, pretty, and delicate.
emotional having to do with the feelings, including how one feels about oneself in relation to others.
justify to show to be true or right; prove.
mechanism the working or moving part or process that causes a result.
mirage an illusion in which something is seen in the distance but is not really there.
moderate not too much or too little; within limits.
narrator a person or character who tells a story.
preventive made to get in the way of or to block something.
tantalize to tease or torment with the sight or prospect of something desirable but unattainable.
terminal found at or forming the end of something.
withhold to hold back; control.
wrought worked, done, put together, or shaped.