Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ambitious having or showing a strong desire to succeed.
assign to set apart or give out for a particular use.
blind not able to see; having no sight.
carrier a person who brings or bears something.
culture the language, customs, ideas, and art of a particular group of people.
existence the condition of being alive or real.
extension the act of making longer in size or length of time.
marvelous causing wonder or amazement.
nonprofit of a business, not established to make more money than is necessary to pay employees and to remain in operation.
politician a person who holds a government office.
protection the act of keeping something safe from harm or the condition of being protected.
revolutionary creating or leading to great change.
select preferred over others.
timetable a schedule that lists the times at which certain events take place. People read timetables to find out when trains, buses, or airplanes will arrive or leave.
total the whole amount; sum.