Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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arbitrary resulting from personal opinions, wishes, or feelings instead of from a rule or reason.
balmy soft, mild, and soothing.
calamity an event causing great harm, pain, or destruction; disaster.
constructive serving to make better or more clear; helpful.
defamation the act of causing damage to the reputation of a person, group, or institution by making unfavorable and unjust statements.
delve to make a careful, thoroughgoing search, as for information.
deviation difference or divergence, as from a typical pattern, accepted social norms, political orthodoxy, or the like.
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
gape to stare in surprise, awe, or wonder, especially with the mouth open.
humanitarian characterized by concern for improving the welfare of people.
optimist one who usually or in a specific instance expects a good outcome. (Cf. pessimist.)
paternal having to do with or typical of a father.
prompt to cause to act.
sniper a soldier who shoots at enemy troops from a concealed position.
statistical of, concerning, or based on information in the form of numbers that can be used to understand a complex issue or test the validity of a hypothesis.